I had two Hobbits until about two years ago. There's a good website
www.mopedarmy.com that has a lot of Hobbit upgrade/performance stuff. Some of the content in the Tech section was written by yours truly.
One truly unique thing about Hobbits - they are the only "bike" that I can think off that for a few hundred dollars - you can DOUBLE the stock speed!
You can easily get Hobbits well over 50 MPH if you want to. My two were in the mid 40's went I went back to motorcycles. I go into Hobbits for my son, who was 15, and in Nebraska, didn't need a license to ride. One was for me, one for him - so we could ride together.
I miss my Hobbit - it was cool - for me. I'm not saying that stock isn't OK, too. Either way, it is a Honda!