Show me where i said i voted for that dopey Biatch.....
Don't even start me on Abbot though, what a brain dead clown....
We need a new party desperately, all we have are idiots at present.....
You left out the good bits mate, Howard let in 300,00 refugees in his last year of government, that is the highest amount ever..!!!!!
And don't forget that fcuk all really come in in boats, thats just bull#$%* vote buying crap, most of our illegals come in by plane, straight through the front door...... Don't let the truth get in the way of a good story now Terry.....
And i did get the sarcasm in your original post.... 
What? You didn't vote for her? Geez, you've changed your tune from a couple of years ago when you were singing her praises mate, but if you didn't vote for her, and you didn't vote for Abbott, then you must have voted for Bob Brown? Well I suppose it makes no difference, a vote for Julia was a vote for Brown as it turned out anyway.............
And You're saying that in his last year in office Howard let in 300,000 refugees?
300,000? Where the fcuk did you get those stats Mick? Is this what you're talking about? " In 2008-09 about 300,000 new migrants were expected to arrive in Australia, the highest number since World War II". (from Wikipedia) you said, don't let the truth get in the way of a good story, but as we both know, in 2008/2009 Howard had been out of office for well over a year? According to Wikipedia again, the total migrant intake for Howards last year was actually 177,600, a tad less than your 300,000 figure? And I'm assuming that considering the previous years figure was 143,000, most of these migrants were legal, anyway?
Yep, I'm fully aware that most illegal immigrants fly in, I didn't mention the boats, you did. The reason that the numbers of illegal immigrants flooding in (not just in boats Mick, in 'planes too) are out of control now is because in 2008 the labour government relaxed the mandatory detention laws that Howard set up, which effectively opened the door for anyone with enough money to pay for an airfare (or a boat ride) to enter Oz, bypassing the lines of genuine refugees and migrants.
Anyway, you voted for her, or Bob, or whoever, so I guess you're happy with the way things are going? As I said before, I'd rather spend my money on aircraft carriers.............