Author Topic: i want my headlights always on...  (Read 4465 times)

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Offline SohRon

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Re: i want my headlights always on...
« Reply #25 on: October 02, 2011, 03:11:47 PM »
Amen, brother!! Just another example of "The Man" sticking it to us!! That's why I drive a '74 (well, no, not the only reason...)   ;D
« Last Edit: October 02, 2011, 03:28:41 PM by SohRon »
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Offline yodagruv

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i want my headlights always on...
« Reply #26 on: October 02, 2011, 07:01:47 PM »
Actually, scratch that, two switches, one hi/lo, one off/parking lights/headlights.

Three way switch says "black=+; brn/wht=park lights; blu/wht=headlight; brn=running lights (says "turns on with both park lights and headlight")

Hi/lo switch says verbatim: "blu=hi beam; white=lo beam; brn=headlight"

I assumed the brown on the hi/lo needs to be connected to the brown/red on the bike harness like it shows on the cb550 diagram. The three way I'm confused about now.

Fine with running lights on with key, would not be opposed to changing fuse assignments but might prefer not to change them.

Offline crazypj

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Re: i want my headlights always on...
« Reply #27 on: October 02, 2011, 07:08:01 PM »
I can sell you a Yamaha reserve lighting device  ;D
 It's designed to swap filaments if one burns out and also switches lights on if you forget.
 Personally, I wouldn't do it, just had to buy a new battery for one of my bikes, I like the idea of having another 4~5 amps to crank starter instead of the light on
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Offline yodagruv

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i want my headlights always on...
« Reply #28 on: October 02, 2011, 07:22:32 PM »
Well, if I can get the switches working properly I think I'll be ok. I do like the idea of running lights on with key switch, all my lights are LED besides the headlight.

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Re: i want my headlights always on...
« Reply #29 on: October 02, 2011, 09:59:54 PM »
I think you have a 74 bike that was titled in 75 bud if thats the case they were not made to run the headlight all the time and it needs to be shut off during starting or you will stress out the starter switch  plus the battery will never get a full charge if you run the headlight all the time
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Offline TwoTired

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Re: i want my headlights always on...
« Reply #30 on: October 02, 2011, 11:00:42 PM »
Actually, scratch that, two switches, one hi/lo, one off/parking lights/headlights.
Then what functionality do you expect from these switches?

Three way switch says "black=+; brn/wht=park lights; blu/wht=headlight; brn=running lights (says "turns on with both park lights and headlight")
No wonder you're confused. You bought the switch because it looked cool rather than considering it's internal function and how it would integrate with the bike.

The Headlight fuse gets its power from the Br/W distribution bus as do run lights, and tail light.  Your park light is driven by the key switch.    You going to disconnect that so your new switch will take that function?
Originally, one switch brought power to the Br/W distribution from the Black wire distribution bus.
Your new switch is going to require a custom harness to exploit all it's functionality.

But, now I'm confused. If you want your headlight on with the key switch, you don't need the three way switch at all.  Connect BR/Wht to black in the main harness, and then your Hi/Lo switch as stated below, and you've got what you originally asked for.

If you want to somehow employ the three way switch, you will have to commit to hacking up your main harness to break out the headlight power from BR/W distribution.  After which it will never be accurately described by any Honda wire diagram.  And, unless you make a special one for this bike and keep it with the bike, the next owner will curse you when there is an electrical failure.  And, a year from now when something goes wrong you won't remember how it was supposed to work either.  Then YOU can curse YOU.  ;D

Hi/lo switch says verbatim: "blu=hi beam; white=lo beam; brn=headlight"
BLU and WHITE connect to the headlight;  Brn is the power input.  If you want the headlight fused then connect it to the Br/R wire.

So, what is it you want?  Is the new 3 way switch really shiny?  ;D

What is your definition of parking lights?
What is your definition of running lights?
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Offline yodagruv

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i want my headlights always on...
« Reply #31 on: October 03, 2011, 11:56:52 AM »
Ok, all this conversation stirred an epiphany. I realized that all I needed to do in order for these switches to work was hook up all the park/run/head light wires on the 3 position to the brown/white (don't ask me the diff between park & run lights, I couldn't figure that out either) along with the brown on the hi/lo. Now the switches work the lights properly (albeit with a three way switch that does two functions: on/on/off, which is fine.)

Thanks for the attention and suggestions, if this forums didn't exist i'd be hosed on this project.