We've got 4 cats around the house at the moment. Felix the oldest, our 10 year old black Tabby. Slightly overweight and nervous, not a killer, more of a negotiator, or perhaps a spokesman for the others. Emily is the Maine Coon/Tabby cross, she adores Felix and will bash any cat (especially Leo, who she loathes) who comes near him, even his friends.
Leo, the Abyssinian, thinks he's a dog, admires Felix and growls like a dog at strangers. "Lady" is my oldest boy's cat, she's the interloper, has lived in high rise apartments all of her 8 years before arriving here a few months ago, is a weird looking Bengal/Tabby cross, has never seen another cat until now and is the target of Emily and Leo, who try to attack her through the hall door, while she seems to have accepted Felix who wanders over to the door for a chat now and then. They're an interesting group of individuals.