followed a guy with a trailer load of cut wood, which wasn't tied down, went into a long left corner, doing about 90kmh, with heaps of distance between us ( his load wasn't tied down remember), looking through the corner, when i see a 30kg piece of red gum (ozzy hard wood) coming back at me. well when you are cranked over into a corner, your options are a little limited, so tried to plug into the corner tighter, but it seemed to follow me (worst bounce in the world).
i was riding my new vtr1000f, and hit us between the headlight and the front wheel, that part didnt hurt, bike wood and rider, go flying off a 5m roughly 80kmh.... that bit didnt hurt
THE FUGGEN LANDING HURT LIKE A #$%*.... for a split second..... everything comes to a halt, and im laying in the grass looking up at the clouds, and do a mental check, arms, check, neck check, legs..... legs...FUGGEN LEGS!!! NOT CHECK..... cant feeling or move anything from my naval down, not even the old fella.!!!!... that was super distressing.
long story short, i got a free helicopter flight, ( which was awesome, ever been in a helicopter), 12 months in a wheel chair, and another 6 months on crutches..... broken lower lumbar vertebra, and an unusual vertical fracture of the sacrum, with retrograde spinal cord swelling. The swelling is what caused the paraplegia, and after the medics gave me a megadose of cortizon(corticosteroids), the swelling reduced, taking the pressure off the cord, but i still needed to learn to get mobile again.
to this day the bloke with the trailer doesn't know what had happened, and thanks to the farmer who came to my aid.
( oh and it made me go back to uni @ 32 and become a who says things dont happen for a reason =)