O.k. I built a steel seat out of an old gas tank a couple weeks ago. It was awfully heavy so I decided to glass it. And fine tune the shaping a little bit. This was the first thing I have ever fiberglassed. I spent 22 bucks on glass and resin.
1.use masking tape very liberally over everthing that may even get resin on it.
2. Spray cooking oil over everything........(everything_) resin absolutely will not adhere to this stuff. so when it is dry everything slides right off.
3. use latex gloves and a cheap paint brush.
4. I tried both kinds of fiberglass....The cloth stuff forms really well but it is hard to soak it with resin and it stays softer longer..The shredded looking stuff soaks resin up extremely well is easiest to form once completely wet and gets hard fast. I also feel like it was the strongest once dry. (but it was the 2nd layer I did) (but what a difference!)
5. make a form for the hump.(I already had a tank, but before the decision was made to use the old tank I filled a 5 gallon bucket halfway up (layer at a time, layer at a time) with a 5 dollar can of that house sealant foam stuff. (it will dry very well and it is easy to shape)(foam at the hobby shop is way more expensive compared to this).
6. For simple discussion I used the stuff that you can get at any walmart or autoparts house for the resin. I used the rectangular cap as my mixing bowl. Fill the bowl up with resin and add 25-30 drops of the hardener that came in the small tube with it. Mix. and start dabbing it on with the paintbrush.
7. cut with grinder/dremel/sawzall/fingernails/teeth until your glass is exactly as you want it.
8. I used 2 layers and it was strong enough to sit on but I will add at least two more layers with the last layer being the cloth type because it seems it would be easier to fill and sand.
9. Pay extra attention to where the seat pan meets the vertical portion of the hump as this is the weakest portion of the whole thing.
I will update as I bondo and paint etc etc. Im sure I will ride it bare (naked) for a week before doing anything else because I am an el cheapy , broke son uf a gun.