Author Topic: '69 350 Scrambler in the works...  (Read 32428 times)

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Re: '69 350 Scrambler in the works...
« Reply #175 on: April 26, 2010, 03:14:39 PM »
Hi MickeyX
     More information:
     My CB350 K4 headlight bucket measures 180 mm across the opening. This measurement may help for headlight buckets other than HM-16M. I bought the Shadow headlight with an H4 55/60 watt halogen bulb in the Shadow bucket at the local swapmeet for $15. I did some looking trying to figure out what fits what in the way of headlight buckets. The more that I looked the less I have any idea.
     Paul Goff in England
     shows 35/35 watt H4 halogen bulbs. Including a brighter bulb, a Philips Motovision 35/35 watt that is claimed to much brighter than a standard 35 watt halogen. I think that is what I will try.
     My guess is that the 45/45 watt H4 halogen with a LED Tail/Brake light will work. But the only way to know for sure is to try it.
     TomC in Ohio
Thanks for all the info TomC. I realize you did a lot of work to get me some answers. I really appreciate that.  :) :)
TomC in Ohio
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Offline chickenman_26

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Re: '69 350 Scrambler in the works...
« Reply #176 on: March 17, 2011, 07:04:34 PM »
Yeah Hush, I asked because the fiche doesn't say and all of them on feebay are 530 for that bike. But that didn't quite seem right but what do I know? This will be the 1st MC chain I've done. I don't know how they are named or why.
A 530 chain is 5/8" between rivet centers and 3/8" between side plate inner surfaces.  All CB/CL350s take a 530 chain. CL chain is 96 links. Front sprocket is 16 teeth. Rear is 38 teeth. That gives you a final gear ratio of 2.38. You can also use the CB350 gearing of 16F and 36R with a 94 link chain. That gives you a final ratio of 2.25 and a small reduction in cruising rpm. A standard CL turns right at 5,000 rpm at 50 mph.

« Last Edit: March 17, 2011, 07:16:11 PM by chickenman_26 »

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Re: '69 350 Scrambler in the works...
« Reply #177 on: March 18, 2011, 02:00:27 PM »
So there you are Mickey and Kit, a year late but now you know. ;D
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Re: '69 350 Scrambler in the works...
« Reply #178 on: March 18, 2011, 02:56:16 PM »
Ugh! Gotta pay more attention to those dates. Sorry...


Offline MickeyX

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Re: '69 350 Scrambler in the works...
« Reply #179 on: October 02, 2011, 12:09:52 AM »
Well, I figured I'd wait 6 months before responding so it all evens out.   ;) ;D

Thanks for the info. It's raining so... We are back to working on the wiring now. Have all lights and switches turning on when they are supposed to except I have weird stuff going on with the turn signals. They all come on very dim when I turn the switch for either left or right, but the front one that is supposed to be blinking comes on brighter than the rest (back one on that side stays dim) and none of them blink at all. Tried a different blinker off of a parts bike but not sure that was a good one either so that point is, well, pointless.  ::) There was some creative wiring on the rear brake light that we fixed and I didn't have turn signals at all when I got the bike. I ended up with Kit's old ones from her CL350. I just had partial wires with tape on the ends where they cut them off. I guess we didn't catch everything they did to the wiring further up front when I soldered them. The next thing is to trace those the whole way too.  Grrrrrr. Do the stalks need to be grounded to the frame directly somehow? Maybe that's what I'm missing.

Any good ways to get the grime off of the engine without totally removing it from the frame? The fins and top surfaces are down right disgusting. It was used as a trail bike on the fire roads for years. Some kind of big toothbrush type of thing would work and I have something in mind in particular (veggie brush) but what cleaner do you guys suggest?

My right side crank case cover... I have no idea what they did to that. I'm not sure if they painted it at some point or what is on there. Do you think I could use aircraft stripper on it and not ruin the aluminum? I know I have to really wash it down well, I'm just wondering if any of you have done it and what your results were.

Off to bed. We have another long day in the garage tomorrow.  :)
1969 CL350 Scrambler... almost done!!! Well, until something else goes wrong. :)
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Re: Picking up a '69 350 Scrambler this weekend...
« Reply #180 on: October 02, 2011, 05:49:33 PM »
ah, here's a sneak peek... full side nudity!  ;D

the red wire comes from the headlight bucket and goes back to the tail light where it plugs into the brown wire (as opposed to the orange or green) I will have to check on that closer and see why they needed to run a new wire

The rusty brown that you see in the pics is just dirt from the dirt roads they've been riding on. I was able to wipe it right off with a wet rag in most cases. I will have to use hondabrite on the whole bike, I think. Then see where that leaves me for detail cleaning. Small scrapes here and there on the frame that have a spot of rust starting will get taken care of and the covers on the pipes have a bit of rust on the back side. otherwise, just some new cables, check wiring/electrics, plugs, filters, fluid changes, carb kits, new rubber on pegs and handlebar area, wheel bearings and chain... and we'll see where we stand then. Oh, new tires. These are actually in good condition, but not what I would ride on the road with by any means. That front is huge and the back nobby is definitely not seeing the pavement.  :D

"Nudity"  ????where?  It is what a motorcycle looks like.
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Re: '69 350 Scrambler in the works...
« Reply #181 on: October 02, 2011, 06:04:50 PM »
Shh, Lucky, you're ruining the 'mood'.  I was sitting here thinking about the naked bike in all its hot, oiled glory...
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Offline MickeyX

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Re: '69 350 Scrambler in the works...
« Reply #182 on: October 02, 2011, 06:29:20 PM »
If you can't come on here with some worthwhile advice, then don't comment at all. Quoting pics from almost 2 years ago and not knowing the context or the person you are talking to is just lame. Go away. I have better people to talk to on this.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2011, 06:31:37 PM by MickeyX »
1969 CL350 Scrambler... almost done!!! Well, until something else goes wrong. :)
2006 HD 883 Sportster, stock. No use changing it, it's still gonna be a Harley.

Offline Retro Rocket

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Re: '69 350 Scrambler in the works...
« Reply #183 on: October 02, 2011, 09:21:15 PM »
If you can't come on here with some worthwhile advice, then don't comment at all. Quoting pics from almost 2 years ago and not knowing the context or the person you are talking to is just lame. Go away. I have better people to talk to on this.

+1 Mickey, this guy is starting to make a habit of this and it is most annoying..... ::)
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Re: '69 350 Scrambler in the works...
« Reply #184 on: October 04, 2011, 08:38:25 AM »
Hello Mickey & Kit,
       I am putting together a 72' CB350K4.The bike was crashed bad & has a bent I'm doing a Bunch of  work.That is a nice Vintage CL that you have;it may take a while,but imagine when it will be completely finished to your satisfaction & you can enjoy driving it more than working on it;thats my hope for my K4. I hope you can eventually bring it back to Original condition w/ all the parts,etc. That one is almost all the way there anyway. I have found a good used wiring harness that did more sitting than driving(& getting overheated) from a 72' CL & I have been snipping off good parts off of it and soldering them onto mine,a "splice job" & then putting shrink wrap on it & I like the results.I have needed to do this w/ many of the double female ends,
mostly the black power wire ends in the headlight bucket & the black/white ones around the coils.I made sure to scrape the place on the frame where the coils mount & the coil bracket so that it's getting a good ground connection.I also removed the battery box & cleaned all the mounting points to shiny steel on the frame & the box & most particularly the mounting brackets on the rectifier assembly which mounts to the battery box & the ground straps along the whole harness assembly including ( very important ) the ground strap to the frame and where the rear engine mount bolt attaches to that ground strap.The electrics are usually the weakest link & I try to give them everything they need to stay cool & happy.

                                      I hope you keep enjoying your quality restorations !
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