When the dissatisfied, educated kids and adults here finally decide to get pissed enough and take action for all the bull#$%* we have put up with from our sold out, soulless government retards and evil bankers it will get interesting. I say stock up on ammo and let's get the guillotines ready for some good use. 
Lawyers, guns and bullets. 
Well dunno about the lawyers or violence or the threat of violence, Ghandi used to say that in his share of chores that scrubbing toilets was equally important to the paper pushing, and that is something most of the ahole lawyers have no appreciation of.
The ****wads of paper generated by these people is incredible, always trying to shift the burden and avoid actual due process. I've seen the worst of the worst in state employment in Alaska. I talked about a bit in an earlier thread, and started a wikipedia shortly after the FBI raided the Alaska Legislature. I had suggested to a Ninth Circuit three judge panel that that kind of thing needed to be done, asked for investigation of a senator and son. (Really I did!)
Alaska political corruption probe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alaska_political_corruption_probeCached - Similar
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Jump to Corrupt Bastards Club: The name "Corrupt Bastards Club" (alternatively "Corrupt Bastards Caucus") has been widely, if with limited accuracy, ...
Figures of note - Corrupt Bastards Club - Raids on legislative offices►http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alaska_political_corruption_probeI started the wiki thread after I heard the 70 agents were looking for hats passed out by VECO employees that were embroiderd as "corrupt bastard club."
The fact is that [a large % of] these people that have a graduate J.D. degree become self appointed super humans, holders of a contrived truth that only thousands of dollars a day can budget. They do invent, and conjecture and scheme and conspire and perjure without prosecution of their felonies, and make up any possible reality that simply does not exist in this life, for show, money, power, or worse to support the rotten in hell politics we all live with.
Lawmakers and Judges come from the best/worst of that stock and lineage, and if necessesary would favor lies over finding fact, ignoring the truth even if was obvious as the jaws of a100 lb. snapping turtle locked on their ass.
Back to the thread subject, too bad the mindless terrorist acts can't let more of these corrupt lawyer guys reap what they sew.