So this seems to be the final push of great weather here in Wisconsin.. I decided to visit Holy Hill and try to get a good two hour ride in... While riding today, i had my first incident where I thought I would have to pull over and run into a corn field... At mile 38, I looked down once I felt the sharp pains of death in my stomach to see if an alien life form was going to burst out I knew I was in trouble.... Knowing there was a a small town ahead I hit the throttle. But let me reiterate, the pain was numbing.... Then I got the cold sweats, yes while driving I could tell the end was near.....I passed the city hall and knew there is a Piggly Wiggly approaching. I made it to the parking lot, turned the bike off and almost forgot to put the kickstand down...Ran into the store and the rest is history.
In the end I made it home safe.................
Anyone have this ever happen or am I that ecentric?