Author Topic: stock 550 airbox  (Read 1049 times)

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BruceA cb550

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stock 550 airbox
« on: May 13, 2006, 02:47:58 PM »
Having a nightmare trying to reinstall the stock airbox.  Finally got everything back together and bike runs great except at higher rpm.  I think its running lean due to airbox being off.  Took it apart a year ago and cant remember how I got it out and cant seem to get it back in.  Does anyone have any tricks to install the airbox?  I have a set of pods but dont want the hassle of playing with jets and settings to get it right for pods.

Offline Tim.

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Re: stock 550 airbox
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2006, 05:07:54 PM »
Have you consulted your manual?  If you don't have one, get it here:
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Offline TwoTired

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Re: stock 550 airbox
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2006, 06:03:23 PM »
The filter box is put in place first, not mounted, and the plenum chamber with the rubber couplers installed are mounted to the filter box front.  Wedge or tape the air box so the plenum is resting against the frame uprights under each side of the seat.   Completely remove the steel bands from the rear rubber couplers.  Install the carb bank from the left side of the bike, letting the plenum couplers deflect as the carb bank goes across. A little massaging of the rear couplers helps as does some silicone spray or WD-40, particularly if the rubber is getting hard with age.  The trade off is that your hands can get slippery, too.  When the carbs are aligned with the forward couplers, with loosened clamps of course, wiggle them all the way into the forward couplers, and tighten the forward band clamps.  Then free the airbox plenum assembly from its temporary restraint and put all the rear couplers onto the carbs, install and tighten the band clamps.  Then mount (bolt) the air filter box to the frame.

Lloyd... (SOHC4 #11 Original Mail List)
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BruceA cb550

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Re: stock 550 airbox
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2006, 08:36:56 PM »
Well I figured out a quick way to reinstall the airbox without taking the carbs out.
Remove battery and battery bracket, take rubber grommets off of the plenum and install it through the opening where the battery was.  This is a very tight fit but it can be persuaded into place.  Slide rubber grommets, without clamps onto carbs and work into the plenum.  Reinstall clamps, filter box, battery bracket and battery.  Whole job took about 1 hour to complete and I didnt have to remove the carbs.
Test ran bike and it runs great, pulls strong all the way through to 8,000 rpm.  Guess I'll sell the pods on ebay.
Rescued this bike after 20 years in a barn.  To date have done the following.  Tires/tubes, wheel bearings, rebuilt MC and caliper, new brakes, rebuilt forks, new shocks, rebuilt carbs, cleaned tank, new cables, mirrors, grips, plugs,points, condensors.
This is the first bike I've ever owned and has been a learning experience.  Very greatfull for all the post and info received from this site.  I would say that this bike is an 8 out of 10 mechanically.  Still looks like a diamond in the ruff but that will get taken care of next winter.  I've only put 25 miles on it so far but man is it fun to ride. 8)

BruceA cb550

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Re: stock 550 airbox
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2006, 07:52:02 AM »
TINTIN, thanks for the link to the service manual.  It didnt help with this problem but I can see that it will get plenty of use.