Alright, I finally figured out my running light. It has a short at the ignition. So I'm guessing the ignition is the Combination switch, right? Also did a few more things to my bike this week. I took off those lame ass stock blinkers that didn't even work, The PO obviously doesn't know anything more than me about electrical. The bike looks hell of a lot better than before. Took the baffle out of my Kerker exhaust and it sounds even louder/ better than I expected. It didn't really change the low end response like I thought it would.

I have no horn, so who needs a horn when you have a loud ass exhaust?
Right now I'm about to go to my dads friends house to pick up my bike with a new Barnett Clutch kit. Let's see how sore my left hand will be on the ride home from those HD springs
Changing the oil and filter tonight and going to clean the carbs tomorrow. I hope there not too nasty!