I had ran across a 1970 CB750KO at a estate auction sale 2 years ago(hadn't seen one these bikes in years) and it renewed my interest and excitement in these bikes I grew up with in the 70's. I came home that day and googled Honda CB750 because I wanted to start reading up on these bikes again and I ran across the sohc4 forum and have been here ever since and have bought 2 CB750's. The first thing I noticed right from the start was the world of knowledge and information that's available to anyone wanting to know anything and everything about these bikes. Rather it was as simple as someone needing to know the spark plug gap on a certain model or info on rebuilding a sohc4 engine it could be found here through the search function or quick replies from other members that had been there done that and just wanted to help you with your bike. I enjoy talking and keeping in touch with all the other sohc4 owners across the country and the world about there bikes and seeing pictures of them and comparing there bike with mine etc. Will I ever meet any these people, probably not, but I did meet a few back in March at the relay ride at Rockingham- SamCB750, Wardenerd, MarkCB750, Nikkisixx, bellcow54 and a few others I can't remember, but all great guys. I think when John Soliday and Glen Stauffer started this thing back in 1994 this was there priority also to keep these classic Honda's alive and well and not let them dissappear and be forgotten about. The SOHC4 that's what this forum is about, not rather we like or dislike, agree or disagree with another members comments, attitude, or actions. I know there are some that come here for the wrong reasons that's for sure and rub feathers the wrong way. The true fan sticks around no matter what, but we all should be here for one reason the love of the first superbike and all the sohc4's that followed.
Well enought talking for right now, going to jump on the KO and put a few miles on it and come back and do the same on the K6. Now that's what's I'm talking about and I hope every other sohc4 owner is doing he same thing

good riding