Author Topic: Is it the cam or the carbs?  (Read 751 times)

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Offline Mercuno

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Is it the cam or the carbs?
« on: October 12, 2011, 03:46:18 PM »
I got it running again today. It doesnt dump gas anymore..
I rode it around my apartment complex and it was good enough I decided to run it about a mile down the road.
I get on it and make it to third gear and it starts bogging down so I turn right on the next road and no matter the gear it was running for lack of a better word ; boggy....

I come to a stop and it idles down nicely but has a sporadic popping sound ---  like valves to me....
try to go back home and it runs through first and second like a champ then boggy again and I cant really go above 40 or so. I can idle around just fine.

I adjusted the cam while the bike was apart. First time but fairly confident at it. Can someone shoot me a pic of which mark to line up on the T 1.4 I have two marks and the tech sheet pic didnt really show very well.
If I am one tick mark off will it limit me that severely?
Is it even possible to have a running bike if I was 180 off on the stroke when adjusting?

I am going to go back out there and make sure number one is on TDC for compression stroke and await a better picture or description of the marks.

Then after I have reassured myself that the tappets are adjusted properly What is next? I am thinking I should check the floats??I didnt adjust them because the bike was running fine before the carbs got all clogged up.

Offline Mercuno

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Re: Is it the cam or the carbs?
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2011, 04:37:58 PM »
looking at the plug on number one it seems to be running rich. I need to check the rest of em. I heard you can check the float level with the carbs still on the bike????how so?

Offline Mercuno

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Re: Is it the cam or the carbs?
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2011, 05:00:48 PM »
Thanks King.
 Those dang float levels are gonna bite me(I knew I should have checked those levels). Its just my Bday today and I wasnt supposed to get my parts in till friday and they showed up today so I was ready to ride HAHA.

 Well I think I need to just take the carbs back off so I can adjust the floats and be darn sure they are correct and removed from the process of elimination.

no filter
petcock flowing good
only line routing that has changed is the overflow lines moved to the side so I could see which one, if any, was overflowing. no pinching there either.

Thanks again

Offline Mercuno

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Re: Is it the cam or the carbs?
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2011, 07:29:39 PM »
I have read through the compendium of carb stuff on here and it is funny (different) to me that the float level will determine richness or leaning of the mixture to such an extent.. you live you learn.

Offline Mercuno

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Re: Is it the cam or the carbs?
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2011, 10:01:06 AM »
Ok I set the floats this morning AT the 22mm listed in the carb id and specs:
I ran it around the parking lot and tried to get on it and it totally bogged and flooded me out.

Now, should I readjust the floats back to the 26mm it was at or should I adjust the screws on the side of the carb while it is running?HELP

Offline Mercuno

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Re: Is it the cam or the carbs?
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2011, 10:23:09 AM »
Is it correct that I shouldnt have to move the needle valves a slot or two because the bike was running fine before the carb cleaning?

Offline Mercuno

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Re: Is it the cam or the carbs?
« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2011, 10:40:46 AM »

The mixture screws on the outside were about 4-1/2 turns out!!! geesh
I ran em all the way in and came out about 1-1/2 turns and o' man does this thing scream.
I cant believe all the power this thing had just laying around waiting to be found. I hit 60 in second before I knew what I was doing. I cleared 70...never been that fast on any motorcycle.

Thanks for your help kingkustom