I was having power issues and my engine was bogging down hard... also there was backfiring and tears. So I cleaned out the carbs and jets but it all seemed to be good. A friend told me that he had had a similar problem and that it was the rectifier, so I checked out some posts here and decided to get the R255a rectifier from Oregon Motorcycle Parts as recommended (
It came in today and upon removing the stock rectifier I found that the it had the 5 wires that the new rectifier has... plus 3 more wires coming out of the other side and plugging into something else on the bike. You have no doubt guessed that I am way over my head when it comes to electrics.
So I've included 2 pictures... the first is the old rectifier with 8 wires, 3 unknown wires connected to the bike, and the 2nd is the new rectifiers with just the 5 wire plug.
I'm guessing that the old rectifier is also a regulator? If so, what should I do? Get a new regulator as well?
Thanks for your help.