A few years back I was riding on a backroad and came upon a 6 inch diameter branch on
a curve. Don't know how I maintained control after bouncing over it....
Several years ago driving my Camaro on a dark night,
all of a sudden a loud noise hit the side of my car at 60mph,
and my left foot was very sore/numb.
I had to get out and figure out what happened,
the wife kept saying I think I saw something in the road,
then she noticed I was on the ground in pain....
Turned out to be a streached out tractor trailer rim ring.
When I drove over it
it punched a hole under the clutch pedal,
and hit my foot.
I picked it up and brought it to the police station
after going to the hospital to x-ray my foot,
and to to make out an accident
report. That was when the cop pointed out the 4 inch hole in the
drivers' door and we noticed the inner door plastic all cracked,
around waist high.
Luck was with me as I only bruised most of the bones in my left foot.