In a hurry to get some kind of product on I bought some of the silver aluminized coating, then heard it was not recommended for foam.
The new materials source recommended special primer for it, I used primer on a fair bit of the fabric just to make sure it would stick to it. So far so good.
Even though I wouldn't consider the project done, there was a good 2" rain the other night. It stayed dry, no weeping in the places that were of previous concern.
I have 5 or six more five gallon buckets to apply along with enough fabric to do two layers or more, so It should be pretty durable when I gett'er done. It is importand to get enough material on and to get the fabric laid out 'flat' on the surface with no stretching away from the low spots, and as few wrinkles as possible. The thicker commercial elastomeric seem to keep the voids to a minimum, The thinner snow-roof, and other Lowes brands don't do as well at this because it's just not as thick. If you read their products' (Lowe's) lables you can usually find "this product not reccommended for areas where ponding occurs." I found other stuff from a company in Tuscon that claims it can be used where standing water can occur, and I can tell it is better than the thinner marketed elastomerics.
I sure am liking the look of it better than when I started. I'll take and post few more pics as I finish.
Pics: Alumicoat, Rolling fabric, Primer applied, Small patches to reinforce low spots