I was given a '71 CB500 project. I pulled the carbs and rebuilt them (they were solid varnish). I pulled the plugs, put the tranny in neutral, and kicked it over a couple of times to verify the engine was not seized. It kicked over fine at the time. Today I went out in the shop to work on another project and decided to spend some time acquainting myself with the CB. Note that when I pulled the plugs I was careful to put the plug boots back in place. The bike is inside a closed garage.
When I went to kick it over (just for fun) it turned over a couple of times but now seems stuck. Hard.
I also had removed the handlebars to put stock units on (it had mini-apes) and so I left the clutch cable dangling. When I went to attach the clutch cable to the new bars it seems far too short, even with the adjuster giving me as much slack as possible.
Could it be a broken clutch disk? The clutch cable didn't seem so tight when I took the apes off. In fact, it came out of the lever pretty easily.
I'm not adverse to taking it apart to do some investigating, but has anyone run into this so I'm not barking up the wrong tree? If not, any ideas?
The bike is dead stock except for a 4:1. No faring, nothing but naked CB.
I'd like to get it running so I can putt around town. My '83 'wing can be a littler......errr......large to enjoy on quick trips down town.
Thanks all!!!