recently picked up a 78 CB550. found it on craigslist local to me. the bike is rough, but complete. it came with an almost complete parts bike as well. the guy who had if said it was from new york and he has had it for the last 5 or so years. after riding it down his street, i haggled a deal with him and loaded it up and brought it home.
i started to tear into it and found it to be worse than i thought. the caliper had seized up some how, about half of the rear spokes/nipples were hand tight, tires almost flat, bad wheel bearings, headlight and tail light didnt work, and the kick start shaft was snapped off at the engine case, and possibly a bad head gasket (theres oil all over the front of the motor). oh boy. the guy had made some jumper wire from the battery to his headlight, (male and female spade connectors hanging out from the tank) that you "simply connect and disconnect to use the headlight" (his exact words) well, that didnt even work too. so after finding nothing but disappointment and makeshift "remedies" i figured id tear it apart and fix each thing as it came along.
so far ive completely gotten rid of all the useless wiring from the hand controls, signals, and neutral safety switch. i took the stock switches part and studied them for a minute before i started cutting wires. i put two toggle switches in the headlight. left is hi/off/low headlight and right is run/kill for motor. the center hole is for the small stainless push button start. (still waiting for it to arrive) the two led's are for my oil light and neutral indicator. this will most likely be a temporary fix till i find a cleaner headlight bucket. when i redo the switches, they will be more hidden and out of view.
i knew i was going to run clipons so i robbed the pair off of my xs650 project as theyre both 35mm. i opted to run them above the triple tree this time to see if the riding position would improve any. by doing this i had to shave down the handle bar clamps because they were in the way of the hardware on the clipons.
rough cut and sand:
i then sanded them more and hit them and the ignition switch with a few coats of epoxy.