I am looking for ideas to solve a problem I have had twice this summen on my '80 CBX. The carb on cylinder 4 lost the idle adjustment screw this past weekend on the ride to Barber's vintage days

Earlier this summer the same thing happened on the same carb.

The last time it happened I took the carbs off because there is no room to reach with them on the bike and couldn't be sure whether the o ring and washer fell out with the screw. I replaced the screw with a new assembly complete with new spring, new screw, and new washer and o ring. Then set all screws to 2.5 turns out.
Then, I sprayed some black paint into a container and used a small brush to dab paint onto the threads of each screw thinking it would "wick" into the housing and sort of lightly glue the screws in place, keeping any of them from backing out.
It didn't work. The same screw (#4) fell out in less than a day of riding. All the others have stayed put, but this is the second time I've lost #4.
I am reluctant to use loctite for fear that I will lock the screw in place permanently. They are brass and the head can be broken off when trying to remove one if it is too tight.
You have to tilt the motor forward in order to get the carbs off this bike so it is a pain. I would welcome suggestions on how to keep the screw in place. HELP!
PS going to bed for now and hoping for ideas on Monday