I recently sold my cb350f chop for more than it was worth, so of course I went cruising craigslist for a deal on a new project. Not 4 days later I had bought this 1971 500 for $300. It wasn't running but all the pieces were there and the motor turned over fine. The plan is a super budget build, and so far so good.
What I've done:
-De-rusted the tank with vinegar and BB's
-Painted the tank and the side covers (along with many other parts) with my favorite thing ever, appliance epoxy.
-Replaced a few cruddy oil seals
-Cleaned these nasty carbs (guy said he "just cleaned them recently" a.k.a. sprayed in the inlet with a hose and let the water sit and corrode everything)
*no after pictures on these, but i cleaned them as well as was humanly possible
-Replaced a shoddy ignition coil
-Normal tuneup stuff like plugs oil/filter etc.
-New fat tires
-Then it looked like this, but not for long:
-Clubman bars, narrowed about 2 inches, and speedo delete with center tach mount
-Before I rebuilt the forks with new seals and shortened springs lowering the front end about an inch:
The taillight I got for free from my buddy, its from a 1958 Sporty
-I had the caliper and lines/bracket from my 350 in my parts box (turns out its the same one from the 500) so I decided I'd do the dual disc swap. Soon I'll have the rest of the parts and she'll be ready for the road.
Here's how it sits now, just waiting on parts to finish it up and start the undoubtedly arduous tuning process:
So as of now I'm in it for around $650 total including the forthcoming exhaust/dual disc/miscellaneous parts
Let me know what you think,