@ekpent There's 14,569 on the odometer
@Dave K Thanks for the great idea, i think ill get one to keep in my toolbox
@Stev-o it was went through, kind of, when i bought it, but i dont feel comfortable if i dont know the mechanic (in this case i do not). Do you have, or know of, a list of all the odds and ends tools i would need to do that tune-up? i know its pretty extensive. thanks
A little history of the bike. the guy i bought it from, it was his friends daily driver. his friend moved away and it sat for a year, his friend said he wasn't coming back and he could have the bike. He took it to a guy who went through the bike and got it running (but i dont know how thorough he was). I know it needs a new front tire, also left rear blinker and mirrors (not sure about Cali state law on these).
Im :fingers crossed: going to the Long Beach Cycle Swap this weekend so hopefully i can find some good deals and be on the road a week from now.
Thanks again to everyone for all the help