Having just stripped down the carbs, I can tell you all my valves are nice and round, and close well.
So - here are the main carb body parts after a soak and scrub (and a polish for the tops).

The pistons cleaned up well with a light rub with a soapy scotchbrite pad.
Nice and clean inside...

Okay, remember the old Sesame Street song "One of these things is not like the other"...
Well - one of these four valve holders has a broken end (bottom left one) and i won't know which part I need until I assemble both carbs and then see if I need to track down an old 'left' or 'right' carb body for the part.

I might do some assembling tomorrow night.
Meanwhile - one week to go and the factory is back at work where my frame and engine parts are sitting, waiting to be blasted and (the engine parts) polished.
Once I get them back, I can put the engine parts aside and start work on the frame.