Been discussing this with Mark,
He had an idea to put a marker for Paul somewhere in a cemetary around Asheville. Great idea but I took it a step further and thought. Why not a motorcyclist memorial wall, sort of like the Vietnam Wall. Where any motorcyclist can have a Plaque and a picture put up in his memory. Doesn't have to be a special motorcyclist of any sort, just a plain ol Biker. Anyway, the Wall could be done in tribute to Uncle Ernie.
I sort of envisioned a Timber framed structure with hip roof in metal, and four walls underneath with the walls facing out for the plaques but still under cover. Sort of like a box under a roof if you get my drift.
I contacted Wheels Through Time to see if they'd be interested in such. It's to be built by us volunteers so it shouldn't cost them a dime but the space. I haven't heard back yet so I guess a call is in order next.
We would gather donations through all the many motorcycle sites and go from there. Of course, "Wheels Through Time" isn't the only game in town. Perhaps even a Memorial on the Parkway could be built. Heck, that would put it close to me if we put it about mid way the Parkway and I could source the construction materials much easier. Might even get a sawmill or two to donate some timbers. I recently build an open shelter garage for a neighbor and incorporated Celtic crosses in the build. Those would work great on three sides of the memorial structure with the forth side open for access to the memorial.
I'm rambling but there's the idea.