This past weekend I took the K2 (810cc) on a Fall Ride from Boston to Newburgh, NY to the Motorcyclepedia motorcycle museum - def worth a visit!!!! Here is the ride report.
Well what an epic Fall ride - 2 days of pure motorcycle bliss! Anytime you ride in NY state or in CT in the Fall with perfect cool Fall weather it would be hard not to have a great time.
Meeting on a chilly Saturday morning at the patriot was clear that both Ben and Scott had brought too much luggage compared to my single tiny tank bag for the K2

. Lucky for us the diners heating was out so we didnt have to acclimatise to any hot sweaty was just as cold inside as my glasses didnt steam up!

We had a bit of a bumpy start and went pretty much nowhere for the first hour which for someone wearing tight leather trousers and laden with diner coffee wasnt doing so well!.....but after that we are were experiencing the first of many great roads...Rt 171 and Rt190. Nice sweeping corners, good road and little traffic. We made Enfield by 11am and met Bethanie from VT who was riding her death-trap Honda Shadow.
After warming up we went down Rt 20 then Rt44 - again very nice quiet country roads and some great riding...until we came to a very good hill climb and encountered the 5 school buses and one SUV in front of us....oh the dilemna of what to do!

Should we wait behind them and be good bikers and not pass? I was struggling with this decision and of course did the right did my traveling companions....

We arrived at Motorcycledia around 1.30-2pm I think....

And wow it did not disappoint!! This was just at the front door...

next to this...

they had a great Easy Rider section..

and bikes to play on

and lots of cool 70s choppers

and this amazing paint job!!

and who knew Harley got into dirt bikes

and a very good exhibit on the dangerous sport of Moto pacing

and a HUGE collection of Indians - too many pics to show you!

and then downstairs there was even MORE!!

I am getting one of these for Christmas

More playing around...

and outside...

and then it was off to our cabins in the woods...stopping for a sunset pic on the way...Catskills in the distance

Our camp in the woods provided by the very generous Chuck and Peter and their families - who fed us and entertained us so graciously

then ready to leave for breakfast in the morning

to the excellent rainbow diner

and then another great day of riding ...with more scenic shots

And more great twisty country roads before arriving home around 5pm and 500 miles later.
Great Fall Ride!!!