Author Topic: Cases split, thinking of swapping in my other crankshaft  (Read 650 times)

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Offline JBMorse

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Cases split, thinking of swapping in my other crankshaft
« on: October 23, 2011, 06:11:00 PM »
I am at a standstill on my much put off engine project and would like some guidance as to what I should do next.  I have the cases apart on my CB550 bottom end so that I can put in a new primary chain.  In the process of disassembling this engine, I distorted the guide hole on the end of the crankshaft that the spark advance unit mounts to.  Read more on that fiasco here:

My question is should I go to the trouble of fixing the hole for the spark advance on my crankshaft?  If so, I would probably want a competent machinist to drill the hole and put in a good bushing.  I say that because I would hate to do anything inaccurately and throw off the balance of the crankshaft.  Is that reasonable or not a concern?

The other option is my other crankshaft.  I can swap it in but would that require all new crank bearings and such?  I am not at all sure how that all works. 

Just looking for some guidance on my next step.  I have finally caught my life up so that I can devote some time to this project again.  I miss my SOHC4!
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Re: Cases split, thinking of swapping in my other crankshaft
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2011, 09:04:10 PM »
the guide hole is in the end of the crank did you just peen it over or did you do something far worse if you just pushed a little metal over it causing it to no longer appear round you can champfer  it back to round if you did something worse then take it to a machinest and get his opinion
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Offline JBMorse

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Re: Cases split, thinking of swapping in my other crankshaft
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2011, 10:04:27 AM »
I actually elongated the hole a little so it's more ovular than it should be, allowing the spark advance unite to move a little.  It may not be worth worrying about, but if I need to fix it I'd like to do so before putting the bottom cases together. 
Here's a picture, hope that explains it better:

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Re: Cases split, thinking of swapping in my other crankshaft
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2011, 12:23:40 PM »
when you assemble the engine ,determine true top dead centre then lock the advance unit into the correct place,or if it is reading a degree or two out just calculate that into your timing settings,,even good ones have a degree or two of movement in that index pin hole.heres a good unit,with the bolt removed,you can rock the advancer back and forth,heres retarded a touch

here it is advanced
« Last Edit: October 24, 2011, 12:26:06 PM by dave500 »