Author Topic: CB750 cam chains Tsubaki vs D.I.D. #219 -- any thoughts?  (Read 1873 times)

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CB750 cam chains Tsubaki vs D.I.D. #219 -- any thoughts?
« on: October 28, 2011, 03:36:37 PM »
When building my CB750 motors, I have always replaced the cam chains with the Tusbaki heavy Duty cam chains.  I've never really even considered anything else, and I have never had a problem with them. 

I recently stumbled across that the CB750 cam chains are a standard #219 chain, and that in other racing circles (namely 100cc Kart racing) the D.I.D. #219 DHA chains are the ones that everyone uses.  I know that I always prefer to use the D.I.D. chains for my final drive chain, but I have never considered using a D.I.D. as a cam chain. 

The main reasons for considering the D.I.D. is that it is cheaper, it is readily available, it appears to be the preferred chain for many racing applications, and possibly the #1 reason is that it is available in a 'trick looking' gold-on-gold finish -- and we all know that we all need a little more invisible bling tucked away in our motors.....

But all kidding aside,  does anyone out there have any experience with running the D.I.D. #219 chains as SOHC CB750 cam chains?

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Re: CB750 cam chains Tsubaki vs D.I.D. #219 -- any thoughts?
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2011, 06:51:06 AM »

I used D.I.D. in two motors I rebuilt and had no problems at all.  Even now with high mileage there still running strong.
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Offline MRieck

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Re: CB750 cam chains Tsubaki vs D.I.D. #219 -- any thoughts?
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2011, 07:37:13 AM »
I have used RK, Tsubaki and DID. No problems with any of them.
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Offline fang

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Re: CB750 cam chains Tsubaki vs D.I.D. #219 -- any thoughts?
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2011, 09:32:53 AM »
Thanks for the feedback. I wanted to use a D.I.D., but was previously unfamiliar with their use as cam chains.

Peace and grease,
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