Author Topic: Are these carb 0-rings from Z1 the right size for our bikes' main jets?  (Read 652 times)

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Offline JBMorse

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The FAQ states that the main jet orings for our Khein carb'd bikes are 3.5x1.2 mm.  Z1 now sells carb orings but the closest size they have is 3.2x1.1 mm.  Is that close enough that they may work?  I rebuilt my carbs two years ago but the jet orings are deteriorating, maybe due to my trip last summer and all the different kinds of gas I bought in different places.
Here's a link to the o-rings I am referring to:
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Offline Deltarider

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Re: Are these carb 0-rings from Z1 the right size for our bikes' main jets?
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2011, 11:25:20 AM »
Give it a try. They seem cheap. You could put them in oil (any) first, so they can swell a bit. Keep us informed.
CB500K2-ED Excel black
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