So I felt like I had to man up and get this done - thought I'd post the result. Here's a before and after pic - sorry the after pic is a crappy cell phone pic. The cap is a nice anodized piece I stole off my Speed Triple because there was a big ugly gouge out of the Honda one that would've required me to sand half the cap away.
My process was:
-sand like a fiend with 220 grit
-get bored, drink a beer, wait til my hands stopped bleeding, sand some more
-get bored, try a short cut, find out it didn't work, sand some more
-cover in gel based drano - this sort of worked, I'd say it took about half the anodizing off and actually saved some time
-hit the cylinder with every Dremel bit I could find - the blue rubber tips are surprisingly useful in the nooks and crannies
-when I was finally happy the anodizing was totally gone, sand until my fingers fell off with 400
-then I switched to an 00 synthetic steel wool - great for nooks and crannies!
-000 synthetic steel wool
-wet sand with 1000 grit sandpaper
-black, then brown, then white polishing compound, all on my Dremel
-Maas metal polish applied by hand
I'm very happy with the result.
