some people will realize that the man-made pollution doesn't account for much,
I wouldn't be so sure of that mate.....
I meant "compared to what Nature can do"
They say that bio-diesel has zero impact, because even when it produces CO2 and burns oxigen, the plants it derives from had generated oxygen and consumed CO2 during their life cycle.
If the theory that oil was generated by animal and vegetable remains, if you burn fuel it should have zero impact too, shouldn't it?
An individual's "carbon foortprint" is what is of concern , I suppose. Using fossile fuels releases carbon that was otherwise locked up for the last 3 billion years or so. I figure I need to get a woodstove hooked up soon. I can then burn my limbs (sometimes the ice storms make a bunch that get burned just to get rid of them). The would at least heat the abode. If they get piled up and rot they are still making greenhouse gasses, at a slower rate. I hear of people that heat their house with junk mail alone, BtW.
If we leave religion aside and consider the theory that life started with the Big Bang, all that carbon was not locked up back then and even then, life went on -otherwise we wouldn't be here-. If we believe the theory of evolution, we should be descendants from the fittest that survived, and therefore, should be able to live under the same -or worst- conditions they lived in.
I have the feeling that even if we burn all the oil available, life on Earth would still be possible with not much concern. That oil was not underground millions of years ago if the theory is correct, and that oil had the form of another matter, and still life went on. Chemical reactions are nothing more than mathematical operations: aditions and substractions. Mix this and that and you get this molecule and that molecule, but at the end of the day, no molecule is generated from nowhere, and no molecule vanishes without a trace. If there is a given amount of poisonous sustance in the Earth, it has been here since the Big Bang, and will be here forever. It may have changed shape or mixed with something else, but it has been here before. You just have to make sure you don't get in touch with it.
"Poison" is an absolute word, but refers to a relative concept. You can have poisonous substances, but only in given amounts. Lead, mercury, all are poisonous, but put 0.00001 micrograms in your blood and you will still be alive tomorrow.
It is stupid not to use sources of energy just because the environmental impact is not zero, because there is no free lunch when it comes to natural resources. The key is to make sure that the impact is not poisonous enough.
My point is that I don't think the electric vehicle will be the future because the future must be green. I think the electric vehicle can be an alternative just because it can use natural resources more efficiently.