You need your own cave.
renovations can steal all your spare time, but having your own is worth it.
I would leave the wood floor, access from underneath for plumbing, and wiring, which you're going to need.
All of that for sure. Roof is prioroty and screwing metal sounds good for the front half until I figure out the other rennovations. More important than the floors, which I decided are tolerable.
I went down to look some more and perhaps I'm just sold on insulated slab for cool and warm. At least around the perimiter insulation and slab. I have trouble with sending my belly under the crawl space, but I realized today that the floor is fairly stable, but the whole place is uninsulated. No need to dump a bunch of money [and work] into the place if I can just do a roof and make it liveable. Reports say it has been six years since anyone lived there. I cut the lock on one shed and the other one was just looking like it was locked. Both were filled with crap, but useable space.
I might get some battery tools and harbor freight solar panels to run a battery panel for the interim, leave a radio on to discourage intrusion by vags. Not sure I want the burdern of another set of bills until it is ready to habitate, but things like running a sewer snake, etc might require a good relationship with the neighbors with real electricity. Just let them see something progressive is going on and they will be friendly, I figure. After all they're okies.
I think I buy. LD took some pics, seems some vags have been in there , lots of crap everywhere, but asking a lazy man, he would say put the beds/matresses under the heap of sh8, and have a rope to them where you can tie it off and just pull away and the crap on top unloads without touching it a second time.
Thanks for the encouragement, I've been working on this deal for 2 months.