Yeah thats right mate, and Evil Kneivel practised jumping cars regularly, so any of us could do that, and the Beatles just sat around writing music and jamming all day, so hell, any of us could do that, it's not like the guy has any talent at all really, it's just repetition...........
I saw this video -or one like it- couple of years ago and was astounded about how tight a corner you can take on a bike. I had never ever taken a corner that tight.
So one afternoon I got with my bike to an empty parking lot -the same where I used to go when I learnt to inline skate- an started to do figure-of-8 with the bike -I learnt while inline skating that if you turn all the time in the same direction you get seasick, while doing figure-of-8 you avoid seasick and practice both left and right turn evenly.
Well, I was doing wide 8's and consistently making the 8 smaller. There came a moment where I was taking sharper turns that I had never taken before! I found myself tilting my body outside the lean to compensate the bike weight and the low speed lack-of-centrifugal-force.
Long story short, there came a moment where I didn't want to try any further for fear of dropping the bike. I would not forgive myself for crashing my mint bike with this kind of practicing. Had I been a cop with a bike that the taxpayers are paying, I would have not minded to go ahead with the practicing.
Evel Knievel didn't have any talent for jumping a bike. What he had was a lack of fear of being hurt. I do have fear of getting hurt -or being killed- jumping a row of busses. The rest is just a powerful bike, a ramp, and wide open throttle -and a little jump at take off. Freestyle motocross riders do it all the time.
And the Beatles..... well they didn't seem to have much skill in playing instruments. I'm a lousy guitar player and I can play almost any Beatles song without much trouble. Repetition and practice can take you there. What I don't have is the sensibility to write a beautiful song using just three or four basic chords. You get born with that, or with the lack of fear in the case of Evel Knievel, you can't train that.
The cop in the video has amazing skills, no doubt about it. But I agree with tpb music that I could do the same if the taxpayers are paying me by the hour to train, with a bike paid by the taxpayers, gas paid by the taxpayers, and repairs paid by the taxpayers. On the other hand, if I were an american taxpayer I would be glad to pay those expenses in order to have a public servant capable of controlling his vehicle under any circumstance, to guarantee his personal safety and his chances of suceeding in chasing run-away criminals or the like.