Hey guys, thanks for the kind words. It helps to keep spirits up during the long slow times.
Calj, thank you for the tip about boltdepot.com
I could look at hardware catalogs for hours. That's not a sign of mental problems, is it?
Don, the shocks are cast aluminum-body Konis with really nice raised Koni insignia on them. I want to have them rebuilt and have new springs powder coated semi-gloss black. If for some reason that doesn't work out, I'll get Ikons like yours. They're good shocks, and they have the period look that appeals to me.
Greenjeans, I agree about the tank and seat. Excellent shapes. There are two CR seats, but the other one has a droopy-butt look that just doesn't do it for me. And Don is right about the tanks coming from Meadspeed in England. Nice folks, fast shipping, and secure packaging.
Oh yeah, and I made a mistake the other night about the lower triple tree. (I always end up on the computer just before bed, and sometimes I think my brain is already asleep.) Kiyo fitted the oil tank, pipes, and seat, and made the frame gussets. But the majority of the fabrication was done by Takashi Iwamoto, and he was the one who welded up the extra clamps on the lower triple.
That's it for now.