Hi calj737,
Big hands, but small homemade tools. Here's what the bridge looks like with the M-Lock installed.

I found longer screws for the unit, cut off the heads to create studs, and double-nutted them to screw them into the bottom of the unit. Took off the nuts, fed the wires into the center hole, turned the tank upside down and inserted the studs into the other two holes, and used long tweezers to place a washer, lock washer, and nut on each stud. Then I used a Dremel with a cut-off wheel to make a tiny open-end wrench out of a piece of flat brass sheet from the hobby store. And then it took lots of 1/4 turns to tighten the nuts.(This is why it takes me a million years to get anything done!) The white junction block is for the tail light, which is attached to the seat.
I thought a lot about where a license plate should go, because I like the clean look of the seat and didn't want to distract attention from it. Also, I didn't want it hung off one of the shocks because that looks "chopper" to me. I cut out some aluminum sheet, bent it to match the angle of the back of the oil tank, and attached it to the tank mounting brackets. Painted satin black, it pretty much disappears. I added a short LED strip to the tail light to shine on the plate. You can walk all the way around the bike without seeing the plate, but you can see it if you're about ten feet back.

I made 2x2 stands for the seat, fairing, tank, and fender to hold them while I worked on them.

Not an original idea, I know, but I made a Dexter-themed spray booth and decorated it appropriately.

The seat before sanding and polishing.

Gas tank at the same stage.

More tomorrow. Thanks for looking, and thanks for the kind words.