Author Topic: Yes another pods question  (Read 3289 times)

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Offline mach62468

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Re: Yes another pods question
« Reply #25 on: November 13, 2011, 07:55:12 PM »
Turn the pilot air bleeds inward 1/2 turn, and repeat the throttle test.
If there is still stumble then go inward another 1/4 turn, test again.

Don't expect to whack the throttle full open.  You would need accelerator pumps for that to work right.  Don't turn the air screws inward til you can whack to full throttle and go, because then the idle mixture will be too rich and the spark plugs will gain soot deposits while idling.
What you want is to turn the screws inward just enough to get that 1/2 twist throttle response under load.

I'll warn you that you may have gone too big on the main.  And, every time you change one metering path, you will have to revisit the other two.

Lots of people just tinker until it seems "good enough", and live with the remaining faults, or sell the bike to someone else.

With those big jets, expect fuel mileage to be awful, with a lot of unburned hydrocarbons getting dumped out the exhaust.
running alot better now TT thanks alot for the advice!

Offline Danno

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Re: Yes another pods question
« Reply #26 on: January 17, 2012, 12:59:03 AM »
when I ran pods on my 550 I had 115 mains and 40 slows needle moved up one
when you own a motorcycle the wife does not have to find you handy she just has to find you