Author Topic: greasy's re-rebuild 'the utilitarian transcendentalist' 71 cb750  (Read 43632 times)

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Offline greasy j

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Re: greasy's re-rebuild 'the utilitarian transcendentalist' 71 cb750
« Reply #125 on: November 01, 2010, 11:11:41 PM »
that's awesome!

I actually sold the cbr, it was all nice and shiny and I would just trash it cuz I ride everyday. I bought a xr600 supermoto with the cash I got from the cbr. besides the CBR was always temporary. I just wanted to try a modernish sport bike for a bit. now I am trying the supermoto, but the old cb's will always be my fave. and my cb750 will be with me til I die. maybe even buried with me like an egyptian pharaoh.

anyways the xr is way fun. it wants to pull my arms off with gobs of torque. and I don't have to go mach speed to have a good time on it. it's kind of like a bigger, powered version of the bmx I used to race.

here it is when I got it:

I decided to rebuild the carbs after getting it. I took off the tank, sidecovers and seat and noticed rust in spots on the frame. so I completely dismantled her and painted the frame and covers. cleaned up the wiring and got rid of the horrible purple fork gaiters. I sent them to Prince's house in minnesota. he can make a nice purple accordian out of them. so after a carb rebuild that led to a mini project she looks like this:

notice the keychain in the last pic. check the products section to get one for yourself, laser cut out of wood or leather. and awesome. super detailed and cool.

Offline greasy j

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Re: greasy's re-rebuild 'the utilitarian transcendentalist' 71 cb750
« Reply #126 on: November 10, 2010, 01:11:30 PM »
I ordered a new carb for the xr, I decided the one it comes with sucks.

and I'm making luggage for it.

but in other, better, cb related news...

I got some sweet showa piggy-back rear shocks for my 750. they are covered in grime right now, I got enough wiped off to see that they have 2 adjustment points, damping and rebound I assume. and found a showa mark on them. I need to find info on rebuilding these guys...

got some info, they are off a cb1100, didn't know that. I wonder if they can be lowered a bit by cutting the springs w/out messing w/ functionality too much? I like low, but I like fast better. there is a happy medium...
« Last Edit: November 14, 2010, 11:57:10 AM by greasy j »

Offline greasy j

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Re: greasy's re-rebuild 'the utilitarian transcendentalist' 71 cb750
« Reply #127 on: November 14, 2010, 12:25:45 PM »
and I made some luggage for the XR.

the XR is using a chunk of cb750 rear fender over the acerbis plastic one, rubber mounted, to support the battery, which is in the storage bag on the back. it also has a cb ignition, with the same trick chrome ignition flip cover as on my 750. now it also has a 750 front fender brace as a support for the pannier bag. so all kinds of cb parts on this sohc-1 Honda.

here's my luggage mini project pasted from the thread at thumpertalk. (obviously this isn't sohc-4 stuff but it's better than just letting this thread stagnate.) I promise I'll get back to the 750 soon!

from the TT thread-
so I was inspired by zx12r to do something using what I have laying around.

I always save stuff instead of tossing it when it breaks, then take it apart and keep any hardware, brackets, etc. so I have tons of random bits to make things out of.

and I dug through a closet full of old bags and found my girlfriends old gap bag. it is made from super heavy duty canvas which has a rubberized coating on the inside of it and a nice liner with lots of convenient pockets. it also had super ugly blue and purple straps and orangey brown vinyl accents. with the green liner it was like a pukey rainbow.:eek: luckily the body of the bag was black. the straps were only necessary on the back where it mounts so I just removed them from the front and sharpied the vinyl bits black. the back strap would be a tiny bit visible from some angles so I darkened it with leather dye I had laying around. and added a reflective patch that wasn't doing anything useful for night time visibility.

with the removed strap-

after modifying-

I ended up using a cb750 front fender brace cut in half for braces to keep it off the chain and other moving parts

I added a metal loop so the zipper can be locked. obviously a thief could just cut the bag, but that takes more balls and draws attention to his being a thief and not the owner of the bag. I also added magnetic snaps from another old purse that keep the top flap down for extra rain protection. the rubberized coating should keep the inner contents mostly dry.

this bag will hold lots of crap. as an experiment I filled it with a gallon and a quart can, both full, and a spray gun and spray cup. zips up and works nice.

on the other side I decided to just add a small tool bag. I can always add more later. I used an old army surplus bag that had been used as a purse as well by my girlfriend, complete with punk rock patch. it has reinforced mounting points for some military use. I put rubber mounted washers and screws in the side cover air holes to mount the bag. I can take it on and off easily w/out taking the mounts off.

new carb gets here on monday, then the xr is mostly complete and I can get back to the 750! with school, though I don't expect to finish the 750 for a while...

now to do some homework :(

Offline cezarious

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Re: greasy's re-rebuild 'the utilitarian transcendentalist' 71 cb750
« Reply #128 on: April 10, 2011, 07:15:08 AM »
here's 2 bikes that I dig style wise.

I'd love to have that tank and tail. and wheels. and oil tank. and...

here's 2 bikes that I dig style wise.

I'd love to have that tank and tail. and wheels. and oil tank. and...


dude im so in love with the white gas tank....where did you find this pic?

Offline Old75_ratafe

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Re: greasy's re-rebuild 'the utilitarian transcendentalist' 71 cb750
« Reply #129 on: April 11, 2011, 01:13:34 AM »
any updates J?
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Offline greasy j

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Re: greasy's re-rebuild 'the utilitarian transcendentalist' 71 cb750
« Reply #130 on: April 18, 2011, 09:06:07 PM »
sorry guys been busy with school. I redid the top end of the engine on the xr and im rewiring the xr...

the 750 will be getting attention soon. but money is tight and I have everything ready to go just need to take care of the regular bills before I can buy engine bits and tires and fork springs, etc.

Offline greasy j

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Re: greasy's re-rebuild 'the utilitarian transcendentalist' 71 cb750
« Reply #131 on: April 18, 2011, 09:08:00 PM »
here's 2 bikes that I dig style wise.

I'd love to have that tank and tail. and wheels. and oil tank. and...

here's 2 bikes that I dig style wise.

I'd love to have that tank and tail. and wheels. and oil tank. and...


dude im so in love with the white gas tank....where did you find this pic?

maybe in the inspiration thread? I forgot. that bike is killer, huh.

Offline Old75_ratafe

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Re: greasy's re-rebuild 'the utilitarian transcendentalist' 71 cb750
« Reply #132 on: April 20, 2011, 12:39:19 AM »
sorry guys been busy with school. I redid the top end of the engine on the xr and im rewiring the xr...

the 750 will be getting attention soon. but money is tight and I have everything ready to go just need to take care of the regular bills before I can buy engine bits and tires and fork springs, etc.
I hear ya man it was all I can do to keep mine on the road.
1975 CB750K
Project Back in Black

Sent from my Texas Instruments TI99/4A Computer

Offline greasy j

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Re: greasy's re-rebuild 'the utilitarian transcendentalist' 71 cb750
« Reply #133 on: November 07, 2011, 01:27:46 PM »
the 750 is still under wraps. I just keep getting busier with school. I might actually just wait until I am all done with school and then take some time to go over every bit with love and do it right. and hopefully then I will have more dough for upgrade bits, etc.

I've made a few changes to the xr, she runs like a beast. the wheelie pig SUV destroyer...

bigger tank. Soopstrappin exhaust. I just got brighter lights, too. nothing too exciting. practical crap.

gimme 2 more yrs. and Ill have something worthwhile to post in here. Im in it for the long haul...

Offline joe29

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Re: greasy's re-rebuild 'the utilitarian transcendentalist' 71 cb750
« Reply #134 on: November 07, 2011, 03:30:25 PM »
Nice job on the XR.  Looks like a blast to ride.  What year is that?

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