Thanks Lloyd, keep this thread going mate, every time you contribute to an oil cooler thread I end up with several orders, so apart from recommendations from members here who have fitted and used my adapters, you're my best salesman!
Sadly the "profits" that I make from my adapters barely cover the cost of materials and postage, not to mention the $10K (+) that I invested in my lathe and mill, so I can't financially contribute to your public solicitations for money for your home spun oil cooler testing device, but as a sign of my appreciation for the continuous flow of customers you send my way, I'll be more than happy to test your device under more extreme "real world" conditions this summer, than you're capable of producing in your garage "laboratory", free of charge, of course.
I'm also glad to see that you now recognise that Honda offered an optional oil cooler kit for the CB750, along with a dual front disc brake conversion, steering damper, etc, all good performance mods that many SOHCer's here have fitted to their bikes, and of course, there are many SOHCer's here who have modified their bikes to produce performance well in excess of the old CR's moderate HP figures, so it's good that the above mentioned items are still available, albeit, after-market.
Like many members here, I'm an avid Post Classic Motorcycle racing fan, and I regularly attend race meets where I'm happy to see that Honda SOHC4's are very well represented, and of course, all of these bikes are fitted with oil coolers, which you'd expect on high performance bikes being ridden fast and hard.
I'm no engineer of course, (and neither are you I'm guessing, or you wouldn't be soliciting donations from fellow forum members) so I'm not sure what you're attempting to achieve with your makeshift test rig, can you give us all a brief on it's purpose, and how it'll differ from commercially available equipment used by real engineers? Anyway, keep up the good work mate, and thanks again for the continued business! Cheers, Terry.