At 66 they know me by name

Very helpful people.

here is a picture the proprietary spray can design .
I have shot over enamel Primer/self etching primer and it worked like a charm. On there website it states that it bonds very well with enamel/lacquer . One thing to note though is the weakest link in the chain will be the enamel .Think of it like laying hardwood oak flooring over bamboo. If at all possible I try to use existing paint as a base to shoot over. This gives a more durable end result .
Wow! No kidding? Well, that is quite something then. In that case I can't think of a reason on the face of this earth that if anyone was going to do a rattle-can job on their bike that they'd use anything else.totally agree!
@ stinkfinger - It's this easy = find a car you like the paint color of , a modern car works best. Call the business that suits you that is set up to charge the spraymax paint system cans( I like the website I have posted feel free to shop anywhere you like though )do yourself a favor and call them . If it's busy then call back . I have never had a problem getting through , usually order around 3pm . They even have requested photos for there new website from me and are very help and friendly . Ask a bunch of stupid questions and they are very patient to explain in a friendly way(be polite and friendly as well .People often complain of not getting helpful friendly service but waltz in a place or phone a business up with no manners or common decency whatsoever).
Its pretyt straight forward and easy-least that was my experience

best wishes in your painting endeavors-