im with all of the above,i drive every day,,mostly about 180 to 250 kays around the gold coast in a small rubbish skip truck,,ive driven for the same company nearly ten years and ive only just "upgraded" to this easy peasy little truck compared to the tandem(bogie)drive international acco/cummins/road ranger truck its replaced,fair dinkum the little truck gets more dickheads taking chances by far,the old acco(an aussie icon)with its bull bar(disallowed in america)never attracted half the dickheads i get trying to do dumb #$%* now,,for example ive already been hit from behind twice within two months,one was a brand new school bus and it bent the rear heavy square section nudge bar we use to manouvre bins with and the other was a guy who got pushed into my rear by a young chick and smashed her front so bad green #$%* was pissing out and she got out and covered her grinning mouth like it was funny?i couldnt be #$%*ed so i gave the poor guy who got pushed into me a card and left,,we are all surrounded by dickheads full stop!in a back street i placed an empty bin on the road way to do a "change over"and a lady in a car full of kids smashed into it and said she didnt see it,four other cars had negotiated around it and i had a guy directing traffic aswell??#$%*?it shoved the bin sideways and again this had green #$%* pissing out,,we never heard anymore of it,,the husband had turned up and i explained what was going on,,he sort of knew it was her fault etc,man i got a few more stories of dickheads,trouble is they dont consider themselves dickheads!