In Spain you can have engineers at a dime a dozen. I myself am, haven't been unemployed a single day in my life -that's a 16years working life-.
I think it all comes down to "the wave". Engineers used to have a high status over here, and were highly paid. That attracted a lot of youngsters into University. When you see the wave and want to get into it, it is already too late........ excess of engineers make them accept lower wages.
Would you spend 4 years at university to make $24.000 a year? that is roughly the price of a medium sized car......
I wish I'd known that, Raul, 'cos in 06, 07 and part of '08 we were really desperate for Mechanical, Electrical, Structural Engineers. So Desperate we were importing them on licence from India. Obviously, for the 2 years fter '08 it was another story. But now its getting back to what it was like 4 years ago.
I work with a lot of engineers, some good, some not so good. But I know one thing for sure, they would not have the competition for job oppurtunities I have had since I turned 50. Plus, the organisations I worked for always treated their engineers a lot better than it did technical staff (me) or clerical staff.
But onthe other hand they (the engineers) are always under a huge amount of pressure. The responsibilities are immense. Once they have put their signatures to a design, and the specification for that design life is say, 20 years, they are responsibile if something goes wrong with it in the next 20 years.
To your question whether I would spend 4 years at university for $24,000.- my answer is yes, yes, yes. It might only be $24K this year and next year, but soon they will be begging you to stay with the company, and then it gets higher and higher.
As for me?? Ha! for every one of me there's 10 of them waiting to take my place.