Jag: If they truly are VM29s, then the seller simply didn't know what he had. Z1 Enterprises has a legend on theri page that says "if anyone wants to sell VM29s, contact us". (Might have been DynoMan) Point being people want them. I've been watching them on eBay for 4+years. $400+ is not uncommon.
Granted if I had new money coming to market i would probably buy something newer. But owning a set that I didn''t want, they can bring real good money. (Tews, don't give them away) And owning a set, or two, that I do want, won't be a disappointment.
As to the Unicorn fork bridge, the most recent one went for $150 used. $200+ is not uncommon. (3 buy it now at $200+) May not fit one's definition of rare, but they don't make them anymore, and each time someone breaks one they get a little rarer.

There is one with 3 hours left, current bid $102. If it goes for that, the buyer was lucky, and that happens.
PS: In your second post you imply that VMs are not smoothbores. They are.