Firstly, great site. I've owned Suzuki's for several years and am a member over at GSresources, and active in our local VJM club.
However, after helping a friend bring a 74 cb750k back to life, I recently acquired a pretty nice 78 supersport, and am currently elbows deep in a top end freshen up.

I've got the head into the shop to have the seats recut, and check the guides, honed the cylinders, and decarboned/degreased the pistons and everything else.
I've read through pretty much every archive about the 750F ring situation, and realize finding a set of 13011-410-601 is not going to happen.
However, after reading about
wohali's difficulties and having custom rings made, my question is weather or not the earlier Rings (part# 13011-392-004) will work for my application.
After reviewing both parts fisches on the 77 and 78 supersports...both utilize the same piston #13101-410-003 throughout the model years.
Early model 77's used the #13011-392-004 rings and later model 77-78's used the 13011-410-601.
Soooooo, that being said, has anyone used the 13011-392-004 rings from davidsilversprares or elsewhere in their F3 bikes and 410 pistons with good results?

I know having the ring grooves resized is an option, but if I can save on machinist labor, it would be worth the inquiry