Indeed it has Bill, I'm glad everything is going well for you. It's hard to believe that another year is coming to a close already, it has just flew by. Anyway Happy Thanksgiving to all my SOHC4 brother and sisters!
Ya know, when I was young and wishing for my 13th b'day, then my 16th, etc, My Mother would tell me each time that I shouldn't wish my life away because the day will come that time will fly by and you can't do anything about it. In fact, she told me that, as I grew older, the time would seem to go by faster. All that time, I was thinking, "Yeah, Right Mom"! Of course, the time came a long time ago, that I realized she knew what she was talking about.

Nowdays, time just seems to "Roll On", no matter what happens.
But anyway, I thank you and I Hope you all (and everyone else) Have a Really Great Thanksgiving.