Hi Keith, 1. how much more expensive is hard anodizing than normal anodizing and, 2. the gold in that link is a color I would like on some rims, 3. is this better/ more resilient than normal anodizing for aluminum wheels ...?
Hi RR,
1. I don't know. The ID of Russ' hub was finished machined and had to be masked off. The bearing surfaces and retainer ring threads (not advisable to hard anodize threads) remain raw 6061. It cost $92.00 to get the hub and caliper bracket anodized including the hub ID masking. Use to get all flavors of it done per Customer specs on a commercial basis but never really compared prices between specs. Never had just "bling" work done for myself. Maybe "Billy Bling" knows.
2. The colors tend to be a bit darker than the webpage samples with hard anodizing is my experience. The hub is darker but shiny. The caliper bracket turned out really dull but I don't have time to make another one right now. They were processed in the same batch. Their difference was rolled plate versus machined bar. I used to do the blue hard on a regular basis for a customer and it was a little darker than their webpage samples but nice and shiny. Another customer used the decorative only gold version and it was always shiny and bright.
3. I don't know. Not sure what spec is normally used to anodize rims. The hard anodizing produces a fairly hard and rugged surface. The hard anodized layer is thicker than plain vanilla colored anodizing. The substrate is still aluminum so it CAN be damaged with excessive pressure from tire irons, etc. The harder surface would probably appear "cracked" if damaged. I have seen damage from tire irons on colored wheels that appeared to just mush with the aluminum so I would "guess" they are not normally hard anodized.
Sorry, not much help other than speculative on this one.