Author Topic: UnBEElievable weekend  (Read 2553 times)

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Offline tsflstb

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UnBEElievable weekend
« on: May 22, 2006, 07:34:24 AM »
This is long and unrelated to motorcycles, but it gives good insight into the kind of crap that happens in my life:  Saturday morning:  Go to start the truck, and get the click-click-click of a dead battery.  It’s been dying a slow death, and I figured at 7 years old, I’ve got my money’s worth.  I’m happy it gave out in my driveway, instead of the parking lot of a strip club or something.  Anyway, I get out a few tools to remove the old battery, then remember – oh yeah, my Chevy uses METRIC fasteners?  Anyway, get the old battery out, go to Wal-Mart and get back home and install the new one.  Finishing up, feeling satisfied, when I hear a loud buzzing noise.  W..T..F..?  Is the battery blowing up?  No, the buzzing is behind me, as I look up at the side of the house, I see approximately 8 bagillion honey bees in a big undulating bee ball hanging on the side of the house. 

I do what any rational person would do – get the water hose and spray that big bee-ball.  As I’m doing that with an odd sense of wonderment, the water makes the bees at the base lose their grip, and the bee-ball comes plummeting down to earth.  I estimate about 1/4th of the bees die on impact, the rest either lose consciousness for a while or immediately go into a blind rage.  So I scream like a little girl and run into the house.  My wife is already on the phone and has arranged for a bee-keeper to be at the house Sunday morning.  I peek through the blinds at the mayhem I’ve created outside.  We give them a couple hours to settle down, and then leave the house for a while.  As we leave, I notice the big bee-ball has reformed; only bigger and more pissed off this time.  Yeah, I’ll leave this to a professional.

Sunday morning we get three calls for directions from the old bee-keeper.  As he gets closer, you can hear the excitement building in his voice.  He’s one of those 70 year old guys that just came out of an old western.  You could strike a match on this dude’s palm.  He’s so eager to get at those bees; he climbs his ladder up to the second-story window sans bee-suit to examine them.  I look on and wonder, “He must really know what he’s doing – those bees would sting the crap out of me if I did that”.  As I watch him, I realize the bees ARE stinging the crap out of him.  He’s looking around up there, and will occasionally flick a bee from his face as he’s on a rickety 25’ extension ladder.  Didn’t faze him at all...this guy is a MAN.  Sometimes I think of myself as a man…I mean I do some manly things, but when it comes down to it, some people are bad asses and some aren’t.  That dude is and I am not.

Anyway, the badass bee-keeper gives us a thorough history of bee psychology and physiology and then gets all decked out in his suit.  He estimates about 15,000 bees are up in an awning above our window.  He takes his Sawzall up on the ladder, opens it up and proceeds to scoop out a big mess of bees, hive, honey and sticky matter.  He says they’ve been there about six weeks and have about 20 pounds of honey made.  It’s already hot outside, and this guy is earning every bit of the $250 he’s charging.

So he does his thing and we’re standing in the driveway cleaning up and BS’ing.  He’s got his bee suit off, but there’s still a few stragglers flying around.  As I mentioned, it’s hot out and I’ve got on my “Jesus boots” (sandals).  One of those little #$%*ers lands between my toes and proceeds to sting the #$%* out of me.  I want to cry, but the old man is there, so I’m like “Huh, looks like a bee just stung me” and carry on like nothing happened.  My whole foot is on fire and I want to cry, but I’ll be damned if I so much as blink in front of this guy.  So he finishes up, we shake hands and he drives off.  I run in the house screaming like a little girl and my wife pulls the stinger out of my big toe.

I didn’t sleep much last night, because I kept swatting myself at the slightest itch.  I don’t know if I’ll ever eat honey again.  It may take some therapy to get over this.

Offline Paul

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Re: UnBEElievable weekend
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2006, 08:03:54 AM »
Now I've got the crawlies....wwhuhuhuh

I tripped and fell into a wasps nest when I was young(er) and ever since I get the crawlies around these things. Had to fix a honey filling machine once surrounded by these things (well only about a dozen or so had got in) but Jeeeessussss.
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Offline Dusthawk

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Re: UnBEElievable weekend
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2006, 08:10:12 AM »
If you are anything of an alcohol afficionado, I have the perfect prescription for you, find a good quality store that sells imported beers, wines, etc. and purchase a good bottle of Mead. The clearer and lighter, the better. I brew Mead with a friend of mine and she no longer has her phobia of bees, strange but true. Not only is it an excellent beverage in its own right, but think of the health benefits of drinking a beverage considered to be the first alcoholic drink every made and is called 'The nectar of the Gods'. Not only that, but you'll forget all about the sting pretty soon, too. ;D

Peace and Long Rides,

1971 Honda CB750 K1 Chopper A.K.A. Rita

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Offline ProTeal55

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Re: UnBEElievable weekend
« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2006, 08:12:26 AM »
Joe a.k.a ProTeal55 a.k.a JoeyCocks a.k.a Maker of Friends

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Re: UnBEElievable weekend
« Reply #4 on: May 22, 2006, 08:46:27 AM »
$250 to get a new hive :o, damn, up here they take the hive and pay you in honey.  Bees honey will not spoil eather, it will go to cystal.  Just heat it up till it flows and its good as new. ;D

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Re: UnBEElievable weekend
« Reply #5 on: May 22, 2006, 09:36:31 AM »
WOW  :o you’re lucky you only got stung one time. I live in the middle of an almond orchard and every year they bring in a few thousand bee hives  :'((yes thousands) now mind you I am lucky in that >:( as I am totally allergic to there sting and well besides hurting they can kill me >:(. So for the month they are here (normally Feb to March I do not go out side much and do not ride my bike at all.)
 Dam talk about b stuff all over the place to! Yeller trurds on every thing.

 Any hoot I was told this by the bee keeper "if ya piss off a bee or a hive they can and will normally chase you up to a mile! When one stings you it gives off a chemical sent that tells the rest to get you as you’re now marked and they attack in full force” 

 So now are ya going to bring us that make the gathering and ride some of your house made nectar?  But please remove the wood chips and saw dust first okay !  :D ;D ;)

no I feel for you he charges you to cut up your home :(. he keeps the honey. >:(  You get the bill for him and now have to fix the house also. :( Man I would sue over that one  ;). Did ya get the bee's forwarding address to serve them ? ;D ;)

Offline tsflstb

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Re: UnBEElievable weekend
« Reply #6 on: May 22, 2006, 10:47:15 AM »
I think $250 was pretty good for what he did.  I would have paid $2,500 because I sure as hell wasn't going up there.  I'm not good for anything but hanging on when I'm over 10' off the ground, much less with bees swarming around me. 

He did a good job removing the trim, digging the lil' bastards out, and then replacing and sealing everything back up.  There wasn't any damage to the house, but left unchecked, the honey would have started dripping down the walls and made a real mess.

He said to go back once the "robber bees" go away and caulk around the area again to make sure they don't come back.  They're supposed to have a good memory and will try to come back next year.  He couldn't use their hive for some reason...wrong time of year??  Something about the honey flow...blah...blah...he kind of lost me there -- and I was too distracted by all the fricken' bees buzzing around my head.

I may have to try some mead -- it would be like drinking the blood of my enemies.

Also, the guy wouldn't leave until my wife and I both tasted some of the honey right off the comb.  I'll admit it was pretty tasty.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2006, 10:58:58 AM by tsflstb »


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Re: UnBEElievable weekend
« Reply #7 on: May 22, 2006, 12:16:23 PM »
after that i would most likly go around the whole home and fill every thing with caulking so they find no were to set up shop LOL
Iam also like you do not do hights and would have paied almost any thing to see them gone.


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Re: UnBEElievable weekend
« Reply #8 on: May 22, 2006, 12:33:11 PM »

I do what any rational person would do – get the water hose and spray that big bee-ball.

You did the right thing.  I don't think any man alive can resist the urge to tempt fate and spray bees with hoses.  Just think of what may have happened if the hive was on the ground and you stumbled across it while walking home after a night at the strip club...



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Re: UnBEElievable weekend
« Reply #9 on: May 22, 2006, 01:53:35 PM »
You have me beat by a long short, this does get the best story of the month award as far as I am concerned. Definitely funnier than me on the rider mower running full blast and crashing into the gazeebo in an attempt to get away from a nest of ground bees I ran over. It was all funny sort of until the thing fell on me  ::)  ;D

Spray everything with a hose, just because.

When in doubt start a cigarette and use carb spray all while standing near an open can of gas and an open can of carb dip.  ??? :o  ;D
« Last Edit: May 22, 2006, 01:57:35 PM by ElCheapo »


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Re: UnBEElievable weekend
« Reply #10 on: May 22, 2006, 03:35:02 PM »
Carb spray and a lighter work VERY well! Short ranged though so you will still have to run!!!!


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Re: UnBEElievable weekend
« Reply #11 on: May 22, 2006, 05:18:03 PM »

Offline Dusthawk

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Re: UnBEElievable weekend
« Reply #12 on: May 22, 2006, 08:48:51 PM »

I may have to try some mead -- it would be like drinking the blood of my enemies.

O.K. Bro, now I know you were foolin around when you talked about running around like a little girl, Only a true man with Klingon blood would consider Mead 'Blood of my Enemies'. I'll bet if we asked your wife, she'd tell the truth, you are an adrenaline junkie, aren't you? ;D ;D

Carb spray and a lighter work VERY well! Short ranged though so you will still have to run!!!!

Thats what the little red tube thingy is for, greatly increases range 8)

When in doubt start a cigarette and use carb spray all while standing near an open can of gas and an open can of carb dip. ??? :o ;D

Yep, you really need to remember to use ventilation ElCheap-miester, Them fumes may be tasty but ouch dude. ;D ;D

 So now are ya going to bring us that make the gathering and ride some of your house made nectar?  But please remove the wood chips and saw dust first okay !  :D ;D ;)

Now you've gone and done it, I am incensed at the insinuation that I would make an inferior product >:( ;D >:(

It's the dryer lint we have trouble getting rid of. ;D :D ;D :D ;D :D ;D :D

Peace and Long Rides,

1971 Honda CB750 K1 Chopper A.K.A. Rita

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Offline Zeke

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Re: UnBEElievable weekend
« Reply #13 on: May 22, 2006, 09:21:12 PM »
That's a good size nest.  They weren't "killer bees" were they?

A two-wheeled BEE story......

When I was a kid ('bout 24 years ago) my friend and I were riding one of those balloon-tired suzukis in the woods -- you know, the 125 with the huge tires?  I'd say it was 1981 or so.....

We rode into this depression a bit too slow, and couldn't touch the ground because the tires were both on mounds, and dumped over sideways.

A few seconds later, Andy was yelling BEEEEEEEEES!!!, and running to beat hell, tearing at the too big helmet on his head.  I followed, of course, and we ran thru the woods a few hundred yards to his house.

When we got inside, he was all messed up.  Parents weren't home, he was freaking out and swelling up big time.  So I told him to get in the bathtub and turned on the cold water, then called my Dad.  I was only 11 at the time.

I don't think he went to the hospital -- don't remember, but he had hundreds of stings.  They were ground hornets or something and we had run over their nest, then crashed.  They were in his clothes and helmet and just stung the #$%* out of him.

I only got stung 4 times.   8)


Offline Paul

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Re: UnBEElievable weekend
« Reply #14 on: May 23, 2006, 12:56:11 AM »
If you are anything of an alcohol afficionado, I have the perfect prescription for you, find a good quality store that sells imported beers, wines, etc. and purchase a good bottle of Mead. The clearer and lighter, the better. I brew Mead with a friend of mine and she no longer has her phobia of bees, strange but true. Not only is it an excellent beverage in its own right, but think of the health benefits of drinking a beverage considered to be the first alcoholic drink every made and is called 'The nectar of the Gods'. Not only that, but you'll forget all about the sting pretty soon, too. ;D

Peace and Long Rides,


Jhees ddjefff That meadsh ish great ..hic.
Im noth afraidsh ev no bbbbbbbbeees no morree...hic
enfact Im not fraidsh ev nutin ...hic
watch thish...    eargh, umph, .............thumph

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Offline Dusthawk

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Re: UnBEElievable weekend
« Reply #15 on: May 23, 2006, 07:07:22 AM »

[watch thish... eargh, umph, .............thumph

Oooohhhhhhh, Thats gotta hurt :o ;D :o
1971 Honda CB750 K1 Chopper A.K.A. Rita

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