Author Topic: Nighthawk 700 *HELP*  (Read 943 times)

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Offline Maustarman

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Nighthawk 700 *HELP*
« on: December 11, 2011, 05:31:04 PM »
Hello everyone,
I've been working on a 1986 nighthawk 700S I got for my father-in-law the bike was in pretty bad shape but that is a different story....
Here is my problem right now:
Im basically redoing everything and I've uninstalled the carbs and cleaned them out, got a new air filter cause the old one was bad, got new spark plugs, new oil filter, changed the oil and tried to start it.... Now the bike starts at once with the choke on and eventually I can take it off and it idles pretty well but when I try to pull the throttle it dies/stalls/shots off.
After that I can even start it with out the choke but when I try to accelerate it does the same thing.
What am I looking for here? Any ideas? Any help will be highly appreciate it.

(perhaps I should mention that before I did all this work the bike would only start with the chocke on and it would take up to five minutes to warm up and be ready to let go of the chocke and then I could accelerate with not problems because if I tried to asscelerate or let go of the throttle before the 4 or 5 minutes it would stall every time)

Offline kirkn

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Re: Nighthawk 700 *HELP*
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2011, 02:29:58 AM »
Sounds like the idle and off-idle ports in the carbs are still clogged.

Offline Duke McDukiedook

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Re: Nighthawk 700 *HELP*
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2011, 02:46:02 PM »
Main jets are clogged or venting somewhere in carbs is clogged.
Carb cleaner and compressed air in all orifices and wire to clean out jets is called for.
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Offline Maustarman

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Nighthawk 700 *HELP*
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2011, 03:06:20 PM »
Thank you so much
I'll be trying this in the next couple of days

Offline Maustarman

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Nighthawk 700 *HELP*
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2012, 10:13:01 PM »
Hello everyone, thank you so much for the responses advice etc etc.
Here with my latest report...
I'm done!/Finished!/Ready to Roll !!! :)

I have taken the carburetor apart at least 4 times.. And as you guys know this bike isn't the friendliest out there to get the *F carb in & out.... ( I feel like and expert by now.. The first time took me about 3+ hours but now I can do it in 40mns !)
After taking the carbs apart so many times I still had the same problem ie: backfiring, not smoothing out, would go off when pulling the throttle, the right side of the exhaust "cylinders 3&4" would be totally cold like there was not activity in the side....
Anyways... The problem wasn't the carb ... What happen was that when I took envy thing apart I didn't label the sparkplug wires and when installing them back I guided myself by the engraving in the wires ie: #1, #2... or Eng 1, Eng 2..... Well..... Some body had been there before me and they and replaced those for some reason so it happen that there are Two #3 wires ;( yes when installing them I went #1 to plug 1, #2 to plug 2, #3 to plug 3 and I only had one more therefore it would go in plug #4 .... Long history here but the wires where mixed up therefore the engine was totally off in the timing.

Fixed that problem and the F*#^% purrs like a kitty !!!

Working in the paint job right now.... I'll post pictures tomorrow ..
It's pretty cool... It's a really odd airbrushed design but as I mentioned before this bike is for my father in-law.....the Gus is British and he has a scarf that is his favorite British thing and wanted that design in the bike (don't ask me.. Everyone has weird things and tastes :). .. It has cost me every little bit of patience to figure it out and actually do it but it's done and it looks pretty cool.
Polishing the clear tomorrow and taking the pics
Stay tune

Offline bender01

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Re: Nighthawk 700 *HELP*
« Reply #5 on: January 21, 2012, 03:30:42 PM »
Cant wait to see it! Ive always wanted one of those. Especially the red white and blue color combo.
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So, the strategy is to lie to people you are asking for help?

I think I'll be busy going for a ride.

Good luck!
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