ProTeal55 a.k.a JoeyCocks a.k.a Joe The Barber back from the grave. Been a busy little boy getting settled into my pops
barbershop (which will eventually be mine) @
http://www.est1968.com, busy keeping the Half Fast Chicago thing-a-rollin @
http://www.halffastchicago.com, and a boatload of other things (got married 2 months ago), etc..
Recently picked up a almost perfect/stock 75 CB350 that I plan to dick around with over the winter (see my post in the "other" projects
part of this forum), and I def. wanted to come back here and be a productive member again (if thats possibile)..
Hope to come across some fimilar screen names and few new ones, and if anyone is ever in Chicago and want a solid/classic cut and a hot towel straight razor shave come look me up !