Rear wheel is out to the powder coater today. THe side rails are welded in. Still trying to decide on the rear hoop. It all hinges on the rear wheel. Once i have that i can pick the fender and then i can set the hoop. I think my bigest problem is going to be finding a set of SL175 pipes to run untill i can build my own. I think this is the paint scheme im going to go with.
1234I decided to work on the front end tonight. Goal was to make and weld on a bracket to mount the headlight. When i took the triple and covers off this is what i found
No worries. Thats why i have a spare parts bike. So I went and took the front end off that bike. This is what i found on that one.
So between the 2 bikes i think i will be able to make up one decent set of forks to run.