I dropped in to see Brian again today, and he was in really good spirits, and we had a great chat about, as you'd all expect, SOHC4s! Brian's been working hard with his rehab, he does two sessions per day, each for a couple of hours, and he said that it is really helping him get some feeling back, which is fantastic. The Leeton Motorcycle Club are dropping in to see him tomorrow, and he's really looking forward to seeing his club mates again, he hasn't seen most of them since before the crash in November last year, so he'll have some catching up to do.
Also, Brian is escaping from the hospital for a few hours on one day of the "Phillip Island Classic", (Oz's premium classic motorcycling race weekend, on January 27th to 29th) and he's really looking forward to it, last year he was racing but this year he's just happy to be able to spectate. I told him that I'll be there for one day of the racing, and if the slow boat from "Un Zud" arrives by then, I'll be taking GZ for a trip to motorcycling's Valhalla, and it'd be great to get a pic of Brian with GZ at the Island together.
http://www.islandclassic.com.au/ I also had the honor of handing over another 750 Aussie bucks on behalf of you guys, and Brian was just blown away by your continued generosity. He asked me to thank everyone again, and he said that it just makes everything that he and his family are going thru just a little bit easier. Anyway, thanks again guys, and I hope you all feel pretty good about yourselves, knowing that your generosity is making a difference to someone's life, and as opposed to some "charity" organisations,
all of the money you send to Sammy goes to Brian! Cheers, Terry.