I am needing some more help or direction here. Anything you may check or look into further would greatly be appreciated
I took apart the whole clutch again to verify correct plate orientation and everything looks good.
Looking at the manual I may be missing a part but don't think it's causing the issue. In pic below, I do not have #8 or 12 but don't think I ever had it even with old clutch (that didn't have issue). Also my steels aren't different as they appear in diagram.
Lastly I tried rolling the bike down street a bit to see if this could get things moving since sometimes they need a little rocking and even with the plugs out of motor the rear wheel was dragging/skidding. I could only get it to turn motor over if I really leaned into it and then it would turn ok. Does this seem normal?
Any suggestions? I am so close to getting this baby running and this is stumping me!
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