Hello again, I'm making some good progress on my rebuild. Yesterday I rebuilt the forks, and by rebuilt I mean I put in new fork seals and fork oil. Let me tell you, and as probably many of you know those little buggers are tough to get out. I ended up breaking a chisel in my attempt (nothing was marred or damaged to the forks). Anyway I'm waiting for a new Cam Chain Tensioner to arrive and in the mean time I thought I'd tackle some smaller bits to my project.
So I have the rebuild kit for the front caliper from All Balls Racing. I am a bit confused what the two copper washers and two thin o-rings are for? I didn't see any of those bits when I was disassembling it. Not sure if I missed something or if it just didn't have it to begin with? Does any one with experience with the All Balls product for this application have any input? This is my first time using their stuff.